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The way you breathe tells a lot about you!

Discover Ventilometry:
A breakthrough innovation in the field
of chronic respiratory diseases

The novelty of this method for respiratory measurement: softness and simplicity

  1. I measure my respiration easily

    quietly at home breathing normally

  2. I receive my personal respiratory profile

    on my mobile / my tablet

  3. I am finally secure

    My respiratory function remains stable = ok
    My respiratory function is not stable = I talk to my doctor


Ventilometry is a revolutionary new test in telemonitoring chronic respiratory diseases.

Based on the research conducted by Aqsitania teams, the morphological analysis of respiratory signals has been tested for several years in large hospitals.

This test allows:

  • defining new markers of the respiratory function based on the rest breathing, during 3 to 4 mn only.
  • establishing the PRP, Personal Respiratory Profile.
  • securing chronic respiratory patients at home.
The speed of the air in liters per second during breathing, during inspiration (above the axis), and during expiration (below the axis). This movement of the air is called "pulmonary ventilation". This measurement is more or less regular depending on the person. The number of respiratory cycles per minute or respiratory rate varies from 12 to 20 at rest.

The personal respiratory profile

It is unique to each patient and constitutes the "identity card" of its respiratory function.

The collection and cycle-to-cycle analysis of rest breathing allows the definition of sensitive and specific morphological markers.

The monitoring of the PRP makes it possible to detect any drift or abnormality in these values, one can thus anticipate the occurrence of adverse events, exacerbations (asthma, COPD, …), respiratory insufficiency, pulmonary edema, etc., adapt the treatment of the patient and evaluate its effect.

A set of Respiratory Profiles illustrating the variety of encountered shapes. The same person, in the same situation, retains much of his personal breathing pattern shape. Of course respiratory difficulty can change the morphology of the PRP.

How it works

It is a gentle, risk-free test that does not require any effort of the patient: it can be performed by all patients, from the child to the elderly person. The patient breathes normally for a few minutes in the ventilometer. Its signals are then transmitted to the SAAS platform for analysis and interpretation.

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