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The website www.ventilometry.org is published by the company:

SAS with a capital of € 49,800
2 allée du Doyen Georges Brus
33600 Pessac, France
NAF: 6202A
RCS Bordeaux 800 171 647

The publication director is Mr. Patrice Castet (webmestre@ventilometry.org).

Site design

This site has been produced by the “BSMA Conseil“.


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Intellectual property

AQSITANIA is the sole owner of copyrights on the content of its sitewww.ventilometry.org. Any total or partial reproduction or representation made without the consent of AQSITANIA constitutes an infringement punishable by law.

AQSITANIA holds the rights to the logo and the graphic charter. Any reproduction or total or partial representation of these elements is also a counterfeit penalized.

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In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right, you can contact by email at the following address: webmestre@ventilometry.org.

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www.ventilometry.org contains a number of hypertext links to other websites or other Internet sources. Since AQSITANIA can not control these sites and these external sources, AQSITANIA can not be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources, and can not bear any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other other material available on or from these external sites or sources.